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 Legal Notice

Nothing on this website or contained in any linked website is intended nor should it be taken to provide investment advice or any legal advice or an offer to supply legal service or to create any legal relations with anyone accessing this website. This website is for information purposes only. The relationship between members of Brunswick QAlpha Chambers and their clients is exclusively governed by the terms of the written and signed professional mandate between them and nothing in this website or any publications, internet sites, stationary, or marketing material shall be construed as an amendment of the terms of the said mandate. Brunswick Chambers is an established  professional set of chambers of English Barristers-at-Law in London with associate members pooled under the Fermion QAlpha brand and being arbitrators, academics or foreign advocates.. Brunswick QAlpha Chambers is  registered and licensed by the General Council of the Bar of England and Wales, the Bar Standards Board and the Honourable Society of Middle Temple (Inns of Court) in London. In accordance with the professional rules for Barristers, Brunswick Chambers has no collective legal identity or responsibility; all barristers practising from a set of chambers are self-employed individuals who operate in compliance with the Legal Services Act 2007 and regulations by the Ministry of Justice with rights of audience before all English courts including the Supreme Court, International Arbitrators, or Academic Associates Foreign Lawyers who provide legal advice and advocacy services due so under their relevant professional rules. In Germany, representation before courts and public authorities is governed exclujsvely by the Rechtsanwaltskammer Dusseldorf The legal services provided and the applicable professiona rules will be set out in the written mandate. In some cases such as family, immigration and criminal matters, barristers may only be permitted to act for lay clients if instructed through solicitors. Members of Chambers may also hold additional professional qualifications and hold themselves out and/or practise not as barristers but as arbitrators or judges or foreign lawyers, notaries or academics, liquidators, economic advisors, scientists, company directors; nothing in this website is intended nor should it be taken to apply to or impact on the individuals ability to perform those distinct functions. Registered address is Brunswick QAlpha Chambers, 45 Pont Street, London SW1X 0BD,.

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